MemberLearn Online Courses

First Amendment and Regulation of Signs

Primary audienceAbstract image that portrays a home, a gavel, and several decorative squares

Elected officials, city staff



This course covers the First Amendment and how it impacts city signage regulation.

Learners are encouraged to take the introductory course City Government and the First Amendment before taking this course.

By the end of this course, you will be able to do the following:

  • Describe best practices for adopting a sign ordinance that meets evolving legal standards and community expectations.
  • Identify the constitutional principles governing sign regulations.
  • Understand legal framework surrounding sign regulation, including important court decisions impacting cities.
  • Recognize matters related to the examination, transmission, and resolution of concerns associated with signs.

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Subject Matter Expert

Tori Kee, Staff Attorney – League of Minnesota Cities


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This free course is only available to League of Minnesota Cities members and is included as part of your city’s LMC membership.